How do you know it’s time for a personal reinvention blog graphic

At least once in all of our lives, there comes a time when a personal reinvention is necessary. Sometimes the timing is obvious. Sometimes it’s not. But it bodes the question: how do you know it’s time for a personal reinvention? 

When you’re asking “is it time for a personal reinvention?” look out for: 

There are obvious and not-so-obvious signs that it’s time for an intentional personal update. 

Obvious signs include:

  • Moving to a new city
  • Getting a new job
  • A significant promotion
  • Starting a new business
  • Reaching a business milestone
  • Gaining a new family member 
  • Losing a family member
  • Reaching retirement 
  • Starting weight loss plan
  • Committing to exercise 

Or any other clear and significant life change. 

Less obvious signs include:

  • Implementing a new tiny habit
  • No longer laughing at jokes you used to find funny
  • Starting a debt free or financial independence journey
  • Feeling kind of gross doing something you used to enjoy
  • Realizing clothes you used to LOVE and feel amazing in are not fitting quite right anymore

Or any other tiny signal that “something different this way comes.” 

When you embark on these obvious transitions or start to feel these little niggles, those are signals that your life is changing and it might be time for an intentional personal reinvention. 

It could be time for a massive personal reinvention. Or it could be time for a mini-reinvention. But it is probably time for a personal update all the same. 

One last tip: start your update with your closet

Big or small, obvious or subtle, when it’s time to reinvent yourself, start with your closet. Starting with your closet will do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. 

When your whole wardrobe reminds you that you are fearless, and you are beautiful, and you are so much more capable than you think you are, when you open your closet doors to THAT every morning, you’re pretty unstoppable. 

Because when you fix your style problems, you start fixing your life problems, too.