Your Life. Your Style.
Welcome! I’m Holly – personal stylist. I coach and consult on your everyday genuine style, helping you build and wear the wardrobe you love. (Even when you’re running late, fighting a cold, and it’s laundry day.)
We can dress it up as authentic style, wholehearted style, real style, etc.
But at the end of the day what we achieve together is finding the style that is genuinely YOUR style.
Your genuine style is how you…
- Win the unwinnable fashion rat race
- State who you are without saying a word
- Claim your narrative for yourself
It gives you your filter for what stays and what goes during a closet clear out. Your genuine style is how you create outfits that reflect and express you.
It’s creating a closet that is worth investing in and caring for. It’s finding the just right for you clothes and the just right for you outfits that fit you and your life in the just right for you way and having the capacity to take advantage of the style opportunities you find.
My background is in costume design, so rather than start with color analysis, or trends, or a closet system, we start our work together with character – who are you? And what are you here to do? Then we build from there. Start here.
I used to be on auto-pilot when it came to getting dressed. Now I try my best to honor who I’d truly like to be in the mornings when I get ready for my day.
– Adina, NYC
Before this, my closet was just really sad. And motley. How did I feel? Boring. Apathetic. Hopeless. That sort of hopeless you feel when you’ve been so hopeless for so long that you don’t even notice it as hopelessness anymore.
– Naomi, Canada
Now, I feel like I have my power back. I feel like I can go into my closet and use my grown-up brain to pick something that really works. I feel like I have control over my closet destiny.