Virtual Personal Stylist for Your Everyday Genuine Style
Clothing touches every moment of our lives.
Read what clients are saying in their own words.
This is about finding your true style according to your personality!
–Jessie Chiang, Southern California
I was struggling and frustrated to find my own style. I didn’t feel good with the pieces of clothing that I had. I felt that I always look plain and boring. I was also overwhelmed with the choices that are out there. I didn’t want to make another mistake buying extra clothes only to feel that they don’t feel like me in the long run. I want to buy pieces of clothing that can last me a while. I wanted clothing that describes my personality and my soul, and that I feel powerful, strong and joyful in.
Working with a personal stylist was a brand new adventure for me. Holly came into my life just when I needed to address my issue with styling as I decided to fully step into my business for the first time in 10 years. It has plagued me for the longest time. I knew I had an issue with styling myself but I didn’t know where to start or what to discuss. But Holly asked the most important questions that made me realize my own self-limiting belief that stemmed from way back – one that had held me from fully expressing myself in fashion. It’s good to discover that and now I don’t have to be afraid of going with what I love wearing anymore.
The most delightful part is when I am able to talk about fashion with Holly. I LOVE fashion! I also love that I was able to uncover some of the clothing I bought are actually GREAT pieces! I thought I had nothing to wear until Holly asked me some vital questions to help me realize that I actually made some really good choices that spoke to my personality and made me feel comfortable. I also love how Holly created a safe, nonjudgmental space about the clothes I wear and help me refine when I was confused with what color or cut works best. Also, I thought it was because of my weird body shape that I can’t find anything to wear. Only to find out that it’s not me, but the clothes itself. It’s the matter of finding the perfect fit. Holly empowered me to make better choices with what to wear and how to find them.
Holly instilled in me to SHOW UP for myself. I have made it a daily habit to wear an outfit that I usually prepare the night before as if I was going to meet someone important the next day. And I did meet many important people that are pivotal to my business and career. I have been interviewed in 3 different avenues, 2 more to come and a work collaboration in the future. I felt confident when I went on the Zoom calls because I was ready to be seen! As a result of being visible as well, I also signed up 3 clients in the few weeks we had our sessions. I also love shopping now because I feel more confident with what to look for. I used all the pointers Holly gave me and I stopped second guessing myself with choosing the right pieces. Now I just wish Holly were here shopping with me!
TOTALLY reach out to Holly. She will help you find an outfit that you already have and help you find an outfit without breaking the bank. This is not about investing on designer’s pieces (unless you want it), this is about finding your true style according to your personality! Holly also helps identify the blocks, confusion and frustration with styling. She is the go-to person to ask and talk about anything related to fashion. This is not about being vain, but being comfortable with what you wear and who you are. She is highly intuitive and understands you from the inside out. She also encourages you to step outside of your comfort zone if need be.
–Jessie Chiang, Southern California
Without Holly I’d still be pinning looks from Pinterest without any idea of how to get a wardrobe to work together.
–Amy, Seattle
I was just starting to gather ideas of a coherent, intentional “style” when I reached out to Holly. Dressing up for out of town business events has been stressful to the point of tears. Shopping for business clothes has been haphazard at best; the clothes I like aren’t “professional” and the professional clothes I didn’t like (and didn’t flatter me in any way!).
I knew I needed some “outside counsel” for help. When I tried anything previously, I just ended up with a lot of clothes, shoes, and accessories without building a real style or look.
Now, I feel confident that I can make decisions about what to put together and even what to buy that contributes to a consistent look. I can clearly rule things out that were previously in my “wish list”, and buy things I wouldn’t have considered before.
I have outfits that are easy and look a lot better than what I had before. Previously, it hadn’t occurred to me that video needs “looks” (outside of client calls, of course). I think about how I show up differently now.
There’s no shortage of catalogs and Pinterest board to scroll through, but it’s hard to know if what works on the 19 year old model will work on you. Holly sees past the fashion trends to help you accomplish the look you want as a “better version of yourself.” Without Holly I’d still be pinning looks from Pinterest without any idea of how to get a wardrobe to work together.
Your clothes can either haunt you or help you. We’ll make sure your style is always on your side. LEARN MORE HERE
Over the next five days uncover the stumbling blocks in your own style in 5 Days of Style so that you can stop second guessing yourself, and finally take control of your closet. LEARN MORE HERE
Holly was super respectful of both my, ahem, unique style, and the nostalgia factor in a lot of the pieces.
– Amy Crook, San Francisco Bay Area
Part of what prompted me to get help cleaning out my jewelry was you offering to help! Which put in my head that I could get help and not just deal with the overwhelm myself. And part of it was that sense that everything had stories and much more complex decisions than my clothes did.
It was just really great being able to talk through the decisions I needed to make when cleaning out my jewelry. Holly’s questions were awesome — whenever I got stuck, she asked me good things to come at the decision from another angle. Also the ‘maybe’ pile was SO USEFUL. Letting that stuff sit overnight made the decisions way easier the next day. And, I‘m loving my new, more clean and organized the remaining jewelry!
I would say, absolutely if it’s in your budget, hire Holly. She did such a great job of helping me get my ideas of what I wanted to keep and wear to gel into a cohesive collection. Plus, she was super respectful of both my, ahem, unique style, and the nostalgia factor in a lot of the pieces. She helped me evaluate the value of my jewelry pieces on a scale that mattered to me.
– Amy Crook, San Francisco Bay Area
I see my closet now and it is a true representation of who I am TODAY, not of who I was yesterday or who want to be someday when I lose the weight, or am bold enough or wild enough.
– Jillian Gonzalez, NYC
Clearing out my closet with Holly was truly a radically life changing experience. I’ve always known that my inability to let go of certain clothing was deeply connected to core wounds that I’ve carried for far too long. Holly is deeply intuitive and creates a safe container that allowed me to feel the full spectrum of feelings every step of our journey together. She asked questions that help me really get to the essence of why I’ve held on for so long, she gave me permission to feel all of what I felt than gave me the strength to finally release, and let go. In releasing clothing, I’ve released emotional baggage, old stories, belief systems, fears and so much pain.
I’ve freed up so much space both literally but more importantly energetically. I see my closet now and it is a true representation of who I am TODAY, not of who I was yesterday or who want to be someday when I lose the weight, or am bold enough or wild enough. She helped me hone in on my core style statement, THIS WAS SO BIG. When I’m shopping now it’s truly exciting and feels liberating and free and so uniquely me.
This experience felt both deeply enlightening, while also feeling like you are hanging out with a close girlfriend. Our time together felt so judgement and pressure free, Holly is a beautiful guide and this experience has informed my life in ways that were obvious and in SO many ways that weren’t obvious at all. This is such important work. I’m so grateful I gifted myself this opportunity, my greatest wish is that anyone reading this gives themselves the gift of a closet clearing with Holly. You will be so happy you did.
– Jillian Gonzalez, NYC
Holly helped me take my style ideal and bring it into the real world with actionable steps to start achieving the look I envisioned. I am the best version of myself when I feel good, and Holly helped me start to actualize a wardrobe that makes me feel good everyday.
– Kia, San Francisco
I had the worst time time translating my street style on camera. Holly came in, really listened and helped me get organized and get ready for a photo shoot. The results where perfect!
– Lisa, Los Angeles
Download your free copy of Personal Style Fundamentals. LEARN MORE HERE
Your clothes can either haunt you or help you. We’ll make sure your style is always on your side. LEARN MORE HERE
Over the next five days uncover the stumbling blocks in your own style in 5 Days of Style so that you can stop second guessing yourself, and finally take control of your closet. LEARN MORE HERE
Holly is an amazingly supportive teacher, mentor, and guide. She’s not going to try and shove you into a system or a style or a wardrobe that fits her agenda. She wants you to feel great being YOU.
– Naomi, Canada
Before this, my closet was just really sad. And motley. How did I feel? Boring. Apathetic. Hopeless. That sort of hopeless you feel when you’ve been so hopeless for so long that you don’t even notice it as hopelessness anymore.
Now, I feel like I have my power back. I feel like I can go into my closet and use my grown-up brain to pick something that really works. I feel like I have control over my closet destiny.
What you shared about attractiveness and body parts is still blowing my mind many weeks later. Right now, as I write this, I’m wearing something I never would have put myself in before, and I feel awesome. I feel like I look great TO ME. Separating out body parts and body shapes and patriarchal and consumer nonsense from, well, ME… that has been an amazing experience.
If you don’t have someone to hold your hand through the process, you’re just going to be doing it on your own. Since that isn’t exactly working at the moment, I really think there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Holly is an amazingly supportive teacher, mentor, and guide. She’s not going to try and shove you into a system or a style or a wardrobe that fits her agenda. She wants you to feel great being YOU. That support and encouragement without a hint of bias is absolutely priceless. I wish there were a million Hollys, and they all taught in the public school system.
– Naomi, Canada
Even though I own a ton of clothes, I didn’t always feel like I had something to wear in the mornings, and often felt like I needed to revamp my closet…
– Haile Bennett, NYC
Even though I own a ton of clothes, I didn’t always feel like I had something to wear in the mornings, and often felt like I needed to revamp my closet (or at least my perspective on it). I had tried downsizing my closet and identifying staple pieces but didn’t have much luck doing it on my own.
After this week I have a better sense of what my staple pieces are and feel like I can get rid of clothes I’ve kept simply because they look “flattering.” Plus the two approaches to planning an outfit brought a new appreciation to some of my clothes. I’m seeing pieces I don’t often wear in a new light, experimenting with things I don’t pull out much, and actually setting style intentions.
Starting my morning listening to the audios was probably my favorite aspect of this process. I wish I was able to attend more calls and participate in the group more deeply, but love that there was no pressure when I missed a call.
I think anyone who is looking for a more empowered outlook on their closet would get something out of this experience, but it would be especially beneficial if you’re disconnected from the idea of style or fashion because of any body-insecurity or feelings of body shame.
– Haile Bennett, NYC
I always fancied myself unique, but this week showed me that I still have work to do in terms of wearing what I want to wear without concern…
I am now committed to wearing what feels good and what feels like me…
– Liz Fisher, NYC
My closet had too many unworn items that were either old or didn’t fit well (too small, too big, or just never gonna get altered). Because I share my closet with my partner, it’s crowded and so I always felt guilty having unworn stuff. But I also love my more unique and vintage pieces. I purge my closet at least twice a year, but the process often ends up emotional and I keep more than I intended “just in case.”
Since going through this process, I feel less guilt about the number of pieces and more freedom to get rid of things that just aren’t me – I’m slowly releasing the idea of “this may be useful for an audition/certain event” and starting to focus on adding staple pieces that work with my funkier items. This way, I can have my basics and layer on the fun stuff.
My biggest takeaway is that style is so much more conditioned than I ever realized. I always fancied myself unique, but this week showed me that I still have work to do in terms of wearing what I want to wear without concern for how it makes anyone else feel. I am more mindful when dressing for other events in that I am now committed to wearing what feels good and what feels like me – meaning my body feels strong and supported by the clothes I wear, rather than hiding or restricting myself (both physically and figuratively).
– Liz Fisher, NYC
Over the next five days uncover the stumbling blocks in your own style in 5 Days of Style so that you can stop second guessing yourself, and finally take control of your closet. LEARN MORE HERE
Your clothes can either haunt you or help you. We’ll make sure your style is always on your side. LEARN MORE HERE
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The fact that I’ve started to put more thought into what I wear in the morning is the biggest change for me. I used to be on auto-pilot when it came to getting dressed. Now I try my best to honor who I’d truly like to be in the mornings when I get ready for my day.
– Adina, NYC
I was starting to feel like I’d outgrown a lot of the clothes I have, especially since I’ve been rocking the same gear for some time now. Since my days keep me on-the-go, comfort is an essential part of my look. I haven’t really done any major fashion changes in the past few years, unless you count switching athleisure brands as a major change. It was time for a style overhaul, but I was hoping this style delve would help me to approach my overhaul more mindfully, instead of playing it safe.
Now that the week is over I feel like it’ll be easier than I thought to change my style to fit my day-to-day needs while still honoring my own truth in how I’d really love to portray myself. I’m encouraging myself not to be as reserved about wanting try something different for myself. There are so many ways to ease into making a style change, but it is important to actively facilitate that change.
The fact that I’ve started to put more thought into what I wear in the morning is the biggest change for me. I used to be on auto-pilot when it came to getting dressed. Now I try my best to honor who I’d truly like to be in the mornings when I get ready for my day.
– Adina, NYC
When Holly and I had finished I felt a bit more hopeful, and I actually bought a couple of pieces I was missing. Which made a huge difference to trying to figure out what to wear.
Getting to check in with Holly and go through the thoughts that came up and voice problems or points of angst and get clarity on what’s actually going on was extremely helpful and worth it’s weight in gold.
– Heather Craik, Scotland
Before this I really didn’t like my closet. There was always this feeling of never having anything to wear, and being “too big” cause lots of my clothes fit when I was much smaller. I’d tried to KonMari a few times and it got rid of some of the gross feeling, but honestly? It never really stayed gone and afterwards I usually just felt like I had less to work with overall.
When Holly and I had finished I felt a bit more hopeful, and I actually bought a couple of pieces I was missing. Which made a huge difference to trying to figure out what to wear.
But the biggest takeaway was that often, the game is rigged against you feeling good about what you wear and what you can buy. And it’s worth breathing through that as much as possible and finding the right pieces for you where you are now, not necessarily where you hope to be in the future or who you wished you were.
Now, I’m more likely to immediately put an item in my donate pile if I put it on and it doesn’t fit right or it makes me feel worse about how I look. Which is a big deal! The other thing is, its so much less angsty choosing something to put on – I have things I know work, my wardrobe tends to all work with each other, it’s a billion times easier to get dressed than before we did this. And I note consistent gaps, now, in a way I didn’t before so that means I can intentionally fill them with something that actually does the job I want it to.
What I noticed had been missing every other time I’d tried anything with my clothes, that Holly does well, is acknowledging that there’s a lot of feelings and internal thoughts playing out in my clothing choices and as a result of what I choose to wrap my body in. There are connections there that you wouldn’t make without this program and that’s a real loss because, in fact, we spend a lot of time in clothes. They should feel good to us to wear.
Having Holly around as someone to talk to about is huge! Cause often anything related to clothing is dismissed as shallow and people don’t much care if you buy something new or toss something. Getting to check in with Holly and go through the thoughts that came up and voice problems or points of angst and get clarity on what’s actually going on was extremely helpful and worth it’s weight in gold.
– Heather Craik, Scotland
Over the next five days uncover the stumbling blocks in your own style in 5 Days of Style so that you can stop second guessing yourself, and finally take control of your closet. LEARN MORE HERE
Your clothes can either haunt you or help you. We’ll make sure your style is always on your side. LEARN MORE HERE