Upgrade Your Style (and get a peek into the process I use with style clients)

But does it spark joy? 2 Ways to Declutter When You Don’t Know What Sparks Joy

But does it spark joy? blog graphic

Cleaning out our closets is something that seems like it “should” be easy. And while it might not be rocket science, it’s certainly easier said than done. There are tons of criteria you can use for deciding what pieces of clothing you keep and what you don’t keep. An incredibly popular criteria is, of course, the […]

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Purchasing hope. Why do we buy clothes?

Purchasing hope. Why do we buy clothes? blog graphic

In the New York Times I was reading The Dress Promised Me Something the Doctors Couldn’t. The subtitle is what caught my eye: “My obsessive online shopping wasn’t really about the clothes.” Basically the essay is one woman’s journey of health uncertainty and searching for a diagnosis. And intertwined is the rise of her accompanying shopping […]

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Closet Clean Out: 5 Types of Cleaning Out Your Closet

Closet Clean Out: The 5 Types of Cleaning Out Your Closet blog graphic

Quick before we dive in: how many types of cleaning out your closet can you think of?  Here are the 5 types I’ve seen:  1. Organizing but Not Cleaning Out Your Closet This is most obviously recognized by lots of organizing, folding and reorganizing (and maybe some unpacking shopping bags). But it doesn’t require a […]

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3 Things that Happen When You Start Intentionally Dressing Well

When You Start Intentionally Dressing Well blog graphic

When you look at fashion magazines, or talk about personal style, it can be easy to write off as frivolous. But surprising things can happen when you stop dismissing your clothing and start intentionally dressing well.  The dichotomy of clothing is that it is both a necessity (we all own and wear clothing), and also […]

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What is personal style and how do you find yours?

What is personal style and how do you find yours blog graphic

I was talking to another podcaster the other day about the year I only wore handmade clothing. I mentioned that one of the biggest things I learned from that year was that personal style is ultimately how you carry yourself, not what you’re wearing.  Which reminded me that I don’t think I’ve actually written about […]

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