Upgrade Your Style (and get a peek into the process I use with style clients)

Should you change out your wardrobe with the seasons?

Should you change out your wardrobe with the seasons? blog graphic

In my mind it’s still summer, but pumpkin spice has arrived at Starbucks. So if you want to get a jump start on fall and are contemplating a seasonal wardrobe change or rotation, here are the pros and cons of doing just that.  Changing your wardrobe with the seasons is one of those clothing related […]

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How do you know it’s time for a personal reinvention

How do you know it’s time for a personal reinvention blog graphic

At least once in all of our lives, there comes a time when a personal reinvention is necessary. Sometimes the timing is obvious. Sometimes it’s not. But it bodes the question: how do you know it’s time for a personal reinvention?  When you’re asking “is it time for a personal reinvention?” look out for:  There […]

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How to wear animal prints: is animal print a neutral?

How to wear animal prints is animal print a neutral

Today we are tackling how to wear animal prints and more specifically the highly divisive question of: are animal prints a neutral?  Once upon a time, a friend sent me a screenshot that read “…with your style, consider incorporating alternative neutrals. There are browns, burgundy, greens, creams, blushes and camels that can be worn as […]

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How to know you’re ready to ask for help cleaning out your closet

How to know you're ready to ask for help cleaning out your closet blog graphic

“Do I have to clean up my closet before you help me?” This question is more common than you might think. It’s usually most explicitly asked by clients looking to add a closet clean out to their coaching package. But it comes up in other ways when you’re looking to hire a personal stylist. So, […]

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Take time to get comfortable in a new style of clothing

Take time to get comfortable in a new style of clothing blog graphic

There’s a story I heard once, (it may be a complete fabrication, so grains of salt) that the costume designer of Mad Men apparently tells from when they began filming. The takeaway basically boils down to: give yourself time to get accustomed to a new style of clothing. If you don’t know Mad Men is […]

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