Upgrade Your Style (and get a peek into the process I use with style clients)

Sustainable Style

Is this piece of clothing worth buying? Ask a better question first

Is this piece of clothing worth buying Blog graphic

When was the last time you asked yourself “is this piece of clothing worth buying?”  I get requests for comment from journalists looking for input or quotes on fashion, style, clothing, etc. One of these came asking for clothing recommendations and the question they asked stylists to answer in regards to their recommendation was: “why […]

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5 easy suggestions for taking care of your sweaters throughout fall

5 easy suggestions for taking care of your sweaters throughout fall blog graphic

Pumpkin spice might have arrived at Starbucks while the calendar still said August. But it is now mid-October, which means light sweater weather is here for us in the Northeast and heavy sweater weather is coming. So here are 5 suggestions for taking care of your sweaters throughout this pumpkin-spice-sweater–weather–spooky season. Not only will they […]

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