Upgrade Your Style (and get a peek into the process I use with style clients)


Hey, I'm Holly, a style and wardrobe consultant. I work with people like you to bring your clothing into alignment with who you are, and who you feel you are meant to be.

Podcast Collection 1: Comfort in Your Clothing

Talking About Clothes podcast | Collection 1: Comfort in Clothing

In this first collection we discuss the many layers of comfort when it comes to our clothing. From physically comfortable, to weather appropriate, to emotionally comforting, to confidence building and psychologically comfortable clothes that you feel good in, this collection touches on it all. Clothing is some of the most intimate items in our lives […]

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Can we chat about your clothes?


Ready to hear about Talking About Clothes? A couple weeks ago, I was talking with a friend about something or other, I don’t remember where we started, but we ended with her saying “you should do a podcast.” And so the idea began simmering. As a lover of podcasts I had thought about it before […]

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