The other week I facilitated an Ethical & Sustainable Clothing Workshop which was a marvelous time, with an incredible group of people. We talked about the life cycle of clothes, how we as individuals fit into that, and what we can do bring more ethical and sustainable practices into our closets every day.

One question I get asked regularly is “but what about X?” or “is Y sustainable?” or “should I just buy Z?”

But every time I get that question, especially when we’re talking about sustainability, the question behind the question is usually a question of permission. Permission to simplify the problem, or find the perfect magical solution.

Unfortunately, there is no universally perfect magical solution (for sustainability, for style, for ease, for simplicity, or for anything complex).


There is a perfectly magically solution for you, for right now. We’ll just need to do a little bit of detective work to find it.

Some questions to ask yourself when you’re trying to find YOUR perfect sustainable clothing solution:

  • what is my most ideal situation?
  • are there practical limitations in my life?
  • what is this option replacing?
  • is this a first step? or a permanent solution?
  • what step could I take today to start implementing this?

So, what are you looking for YOUR perfect solution to?
(And if you want help implementing it, find out how we can work together here.)